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Between land and sea: The sand dunes

A dune is an accumulation of marine sand created by the wind. They are formed by very thin layers and are dynamic in their shape and space, they move and change. They are always asymmetrical: the side facing the wind is convex and gently sloping, the opposite face is steeper. They advance and…

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Entre el mar y la tierra: Las dunas de arena

Una duna es una acumulación de arena marina producidas por el viento, poseen unas capas muy finas y son dinámicas en su forma y espacio, se mueven y cambian. Siempre son asimétricas, la cara que da al viento es convexa y de suave pendiente, la cara contraria es de pendiente más empinada. Avanzan…

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How to get to La Paz from San Diego?

La Paz is located about 1000 miles (1,500 km) from the northern border on the transpeninsular highway where it connects with California and its different cities including San Diego and many more. By land, the journey from San Diego to La Paz is made by hundreds of drivers from the United…

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¿Cómo llegar a La Paz desde San Diego?

La Paz se encuentra a cerca de 1,500 kilómetros (1000 millas) de distancia de la frontera norte por la carretera transpeninsular donde conecta con California y sus diferentes ciudades incluyendo San Diego y muchas más. Por tierra, el viaje desde San Diego hacia La Paz lo recorren cientos de…

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La Paz Urban Art

La Paz, the port of illusion of Baja California Sur. In its waters, beaches and mountains, artists find inspiration that leads them to create artwork to tell stories, myths and legends where the interconnection between local inhabitants and nature is the main protagonist. In recent years, a boom…

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The quick guide to eating (and drinking) in La Paz

Did anyone say food? Because in La Paz there is a lot of it and it is delicious, too. La Paz has a dynamic culinary scene that results in unique experiences to pamper your palate and taste fresh flavors. What makes it so special? By the nature of La Paz, fish and seafood are the protagonists of…

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La guía rápida para comer (y beber) en La Paz

¿Alguien dijo comida? Porque en La Paz hay mucha y además deliciosa. La Paz tiene una escena culinaria dinámica que resulta en experiencias únicas para consentir a tu paladar y degustar de sabores frescos. ¿Qué la hace tan especial? Por la naturaleza de La Paz, los pescados y mariscos son los…

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The Magic of the Malecon of La Paz

The Malecon of La Paz is one of the city’s icons. For locals and visitors alike, this waterfront boardwalk is the ideal place to meet, walk, exercise or simply enjoy the dazzling colors that the sunsets offer. Along the malecon of La Paz, there are various sculptures that give it. life Through…

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7 beaches of La Paz that you cannot miss

La Paz, an adventure destination where you can discover dream beaches every day, surround yourself with nature and recharge your energy. Here are 7 beaches of La Paz that you can not miss on your next visit: Coromuel beach Popular for its city center proximity, this beach boasts the Blue Flag…

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7 playas de La Paz que no te puedes perder

La Paz, es un destino de aventura en donde cada día puedes descubrir playas de ensueño, rodearte de naturaleza y recargar tu energía. A continuación te dejamos 7 playas de La Paz que no puedes dejar de visitar en tu próxima visita: El Coromuel Popular por su cercanía al centro de la ciudad…

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